The Columbus Georgia Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., & NAMI will be partnering together hosting
the 1
st Legislative Event for the 2023-2024 programming year for the community “Mental Health
Symposium,” which will be held, Saturday, November 18, 2023. The event beginning at 11:30am at the
Columbus Public Library 3000 Macon Road Columbus, Georgia in the Synovus A & B Room on the
st Floor. The Legislative Committee is hosting a series of events that allow education and advocacy about
the focused areas. The goal of this event is to invite our community and engage in a dialogue with our
leaders in mental health subject matter experts.
The “Mental Health Symposium” is a free, family, and friendly conversation, and we are inviting the tri-city
community to join us as we hear from our special guest panelists with dedicated years of expertise. Please
consider following the Columbus, GA Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Facebook page:
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 Mental Health Symposium

Delicious Cakes at Midtown Cakes!