Calling all men! The Columbus Health Department is holding a Men’s Resource Fair on
Wednesday, February 21 st , from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. This free event for men of all ages will be
held at the Columbus Public Library at 3000 Macon Road. “We’re very excited to host this event
for all the men in our area,” said Dorcas Woody, Georgia Strong Families Coordinator, for the
Columbus Health Department. “Men are so important to our families and communities, and we’re
offering services to help men realize their potential.”
Some of the services available will be information on education completion and trade occupations
from Miller-Motte College, Columbus Technical College, and resume building and employment
services from Goodwill Southern Rivers, Better Work Columbus, Staff Zone and Hire Quest. Other
services include financial and tax advice.
Health screenings, including blood pressure checks and HIV and STI home test kits, will be
available, as well as information on mental health and counseling services from New Horizons
Behavioral Health and the National Alliance on Mental Health. CORE will be offering Covid-19
and flu vaccines. Other agencies on hand will be DFCS, WIC, Valley Health Care, Columbus
Family Connection, and Cure Violence.
Registration for Georgia Strong Families’ Fatherhood Program will be held during the event. The
Fatherhood Program is designed for men who are dads, expectant fathers, and male role models.
“Our Fatherhood Program aims to empower men to be knowledgeable, active, and emotionally
engaged with their children,” said Woody. “You don’t have to be ‘Super Dad’ to be a great dad.”
The program also provides resources to help men complete their education, find employment,
find legal advice, and even has a “Dad Boot Camp”, which helps dads-to-be learn all about taking
care of their newborn.
In addition to all the free information and services during the event, all men will receive a free tool
kit for participating!
For more information on the Men’s Resource Fair or the Fatherhood Program, please contact
Dorcas Woody at 706-321-6375 or Sharon Moore at 706-225-6382. Or visit