COLUMBUS, GA, February 2, 2023: Davis Broadcasting and the entire radio community is
saddened by the passing of Karen Lavern Robinson, Promotions Manager for the company.
She was a dedicated and hardworking member of the Davis Broadcasting family for almost
nine years. Though originally from Chicago, IL, upon Robinson’s arrival in Columbus, GA she
quickly learned the lay of the land. She consistently met with the Columbus and Phenix City
communities to plan and carry out many successful and impactful events including, her
personal favorite, the company’s Annual Toy Giveaway each December.
Karen Robinson embodied radio promotions. Getting her start in radio over 35 years ago with
WGCI in Chicago, Robinson then spent time managing promotions at Crawford Broadcasting
and Davis Broadcasting Inc. of Columbus.
Karen Lavern was loved and will be missed by her entire radio family. We are grateful for her
energy, smart wit, and commitment that she shared generously. Her loss will be felt across
our city and throughout the radio community. Our continued prayers are with her family.
A brief celebration of life and balloon release will be held at the Woodruff Riverfront Park on
Wednesday February 7, 2024 at 5:00pm.